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We also offer

Explore additional training solutions tailored to meet your diverse needs.

Enhance your learning experience with our comprehensive options.

Virtual Instructor-Led training

Join our live, interactive training sessions online and benefit from real-time instruction by our experienced trainers.

Scorm package for your LMS

Easily integrate our training modules into your LMS for convenient, self-paced learning that fits your schedule.

Individual online courses

Access our extensive library of pre-recorded courses and learn at your own pace with engaging, high-quality content.

Frequently Ask Questions

Instructor-Led Training is the practice of conducting training with an instructor ‘present’. The instructor is either physically or virtually present and will facilitate the training by taking learners through the course material while explaining any complex learning topics and answering questions.

We have over 1,500 safety training courses that meet the training needs of OSHA, DOT, and EPA regulations as well as safety guidelines and best practices as advocated by other institutions. Any of our online safety training courses can be conducted as a Client-site instructor-led training program. Just let us know which training you need.

If the training you want is not available in our Course Catalog, please reach out to us for more information.

Note that each training course must be held as individual sessions, as the regulatory requirements and training materials differ significantly.

We can confirm as quickly as 24-48 hours if given all the relevant information and a P.O. Call or email us with:

  1. The course of your choice,
  2. The number of participants,
  3. The location where you want us to conduct the on-site group training program,
  4. Your preferred date for holding the training.

If there are any customized requirements for the training, then we may need some additional time. Speak to us for more information.

Both Virtual Instructor-led Training and Client-Site Training has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it's crucial to consider them before choosing a training method that impacts the safety of your employees. Your company should assess what suits the schedules and learning styles of your employees as well as the company’s training budget.

If you have a big and geographically dispersed team or aim for cost-effective training, virtual instructor-led training or online learning might be the most appropriate option for your organization. If you have your own LMS, our SCORM packages can be a perfect solution too.

Yes! This is one of the unique features of HAZWOPER OSHA Training’s client-site group training program. We are ready and willing to travel to your preferred location – be it your head office or a designated training facility.

Access to a projector or a large-screen TV that can be connected to a laptop, and availability of sufficient electrical outlets in the training facility.

Once the training session is completed, all participants will take a final examination. Upon successfully passing the final exam with a score of 70% or higher, they receive their safety training course completion certificates via email.

At present, we only conduct training programs in English.